Kickstart the Holiday Season With a Sparkle

As the temperature drops and holiday jingles fill the air, Ada transforms into a mild winter wonderland brimming with plenty of opportunities for joyous family moments. Whether baking Christmas cookies in your cozy kitchen, visiting our charming local winter markets, or simply cuddling around the fireplace with a heartwarming Christmas story, Ada is the place to create lasting family Christmas traditions.

Let’s dive into the magic of the season together and explore 5 ways to make your Christmas truly enchanting.

1. Visit the annual Parade of Lights in downtown Ada.

Visiting the annual Parade of Lights in downtown Ada is a must-do family activity!

As the sun sets and a chill fills the air, the heart of our city springs to life with a dazzling array of twinkling lights. Majestic floats adorned with breathtaking light displays glide down the streets, casting a magical glow on the awe-struck faces of children and adults alike. Don’t forget to warm your hands with a mug of spiced apple cider or rich hot chocolate.

There’s a palpable sense of community, as friends, neighbors, and visitors huddle together, their breath visible in the crisp winter air, their eyes sparkling with the reflection of the brilliant lights. So, bundle up, grab a cup of something warm, and join us in this cherished Ada Christmas tradition.

2. Bundle up and explore the historic Wintersmith Park.

Wintersmith Park, a historic gem in the heart of Ada, transforms into a winter wonderland during the holiday season. It’s an ideal spot for families to create a new Christmas family tradition.

Although the temperatures might dip, the warmth of shared experiences, like feeding the park’s resident ducks or marveling at the beauty of Wintersmith Lake, can keep the cold at bay. Take a leisurely family walk on the trails and appreciate the serene beauty of nature in winter in Ada. Don’t forget to bring your camera along to capture pictures of your family enjoying their outing.

You can find more information about Wintersmith Park here.

3. Plan a holiday movie night complete with a hot cocoa bar.

Starting a movie night tradition can be a heartwarming way to spend quality time with your family and friends during the Christmas season in Ada, OK. You could host a big movie night bash featuring a classic Christmas movie, inviting extended family and friends to share in the holiday spirit. Alternatively, make every Friday night in December a special occasion with a new favorite holiday movie on the roster.

To complete the experience and add a dash of sweetness to your movie nights, set up your very own hot chocolate bar! Create a spread with a warming pot of hot cocoa and a bar of delightful toppings. Think small marshmallows, cinnamon sticks, whipped cream, and even peppermint sticks for that festive touch. For those mindful of their dental health, sugar-free hot chocolate and low-sugar or sugar-free toppings can be a wonderful alternative.

4. Make Christmas ornaments that reflect events from the year.

Creating DIY Christmas ornaments is another wonderful way to commemorate family memories and celebrate the year that has passed. This delightful tradition allows family members to showcase their creativity and reflect on their favorite events or moments of the year.

Gather around the table with craft supplies, and have each family member design an ornament that symbolizes their most cherished memory from the year. These could mark milestones like a new job, graduation, losing their first tooth, or adding a pet or baby to the family. Or they could encapsulate experiences, such as a memorable trip or a hobby picked up during the year. Even simple joys, like a day spent playing in the snow or baking cookies, can be commemorated with a special ornament.

Hanging these ornaments on the Christmas tree becomes more than just a festive activity; it’s a walk down memory lane, replaying the year’s highlights with every ornament.

5. Spread generosity and love by giving back to others.

One of the most heartening family traditions you can foster is the spirit of giving back to others. Christmas in Ada, OK, is the perfect time to spread love and generosity within your community.

Your family might consider spending a day at a local soup kitchen, serving warm meals and sharing holiday cheer with those less fortunate. Alternatively, you could visit a local animal shelter and help care for animals awaiting adoption. Participating in a charity event or fundraiser is another way to contribute, supporting worthy causes while bonding as a family. Visiting a nursing home, too, can make a world of difference to the elderly residents who might be longing for company during the festive season. If you want to extend your goodwill beyond Ada, consider sending a holiday package to troops overseas, a thoughtful gesture that communicates love and gratitude for their service.

Each of these actions not only brings joy to others but also imparts valuable lessons of empathy, kindness, and community service to children, building traditions that truly encapsulate the spirit of Christmas.

Treat yourself and your family to sparkling white smiles just in time for the holidays.

As the holiday season approaches, you’ll want to be sure your family’s smiles are as bright and healthy as your Christmas spirit. A pre-holiday dental checkup and cleaning is a great way to achieve this. With the many gatherings and photo ops that come with the holidays, a sparkling smile can make all the difference. For adults, now is also a great time to treat yourself to a teeth whitening session for that extra boost of confidence!

When it comes to family dental care in Ada, there’s no better place than Ada Smile Place. Our team of dedicated professionals provides a comfortable and friendly environment, ensuring that each visit leaves you with a bright and healthy smile, ready to shine in all your holiday memories.

Schedule an appointment for yourself or your family anytime by calling our office or using our easy online form.